Sunday, 25 October 2015

Odds and Sods - Dissapointment

A pointless update from me really, only because I feel the need.  Hardly anything done in roughly 3 months - purely down to funds (or lack of!) and not enough free time, its not all work related though so that's a positive.  I wont mention the amount of work done trying to fix the wifes mini one....  Had a spare Sunday afternoon today so managed to get a small amount of work done, the garage really is a tip but I just don't have the motivation to get it tidied.

I really want to get to the rolling chassis stage because it will be a good milestone to achieve but it will also make cleaning the garage much easier.  We've got rid of the wifes mini as I finally gave up trying to get the coolant problem fixed, tried everything and it just wouldn't give in losing fluid.  So, a shiny new (10 reg) Astra will be picked up tomorrow night.

Anyway, I digress, back to the kit car.  Not many pictures as its quite boring stuff, torqued up the remaining bolts at the rear (UNC) - bought myself a new toy, a Dremmel 3000.  Sick of cutting bolts with a hacksaw, this thing eats through them with ease and its fun whilst at it.  Sounds obvious but if you do buy one, buy safety glasses too!

Front steering rack is on, not really a big deal.  One side of the front wishbones are on but I've ran out of penny washers - need to get some more.  I think I need to spend about £500 to get myself back on track and get to the rolling chassis stage.  More to follow...