The engine loom is as before, I need to get the engine in place. It turns out the crate engine I purchased from GBS didn't come with a clutch, which was annoying to say the least. Well, after a fair bit of messing about it also didn't come with a flywheel!!!! I spent a long time trying to get the clutch I have fitted and eventually posted on Rhocar to find out I had an automatic flywheel.
After posting on the wanted form a nice member offered me one for a tenner, I went to pick it up and left with an alternator and clutch as well - not bad for £100 including the bracket and belt.
I decided to trial fit the engine and mark up the mounts, knowing full well the engine needs to come back out again - I am happy with that. Drilling the mounts should be easier too (it was).
I took my time, here are some pics. See the top flywheel? I have been told that's for an automatic - completely wrong, the new one is underneath:
Nice home made locking tool:
Flywheel and spigot bearing in:
Notice on the last pick I had to take the inlet manifold out, it just doesn't fit with it on. I am missing the mount for the bottom of the box to the GBS supplied rubber mount, which I decided to make. I need to add a small piece of steel to re-enforce as I am not 100% happy with the box steel I used:
Hard to see but it does the job, its all coming out anyway so I'll get a better picture once I add some re-enforcement. Next onto lining the engine up, again using my auto leveling laser. I've already marked the central point at the front and the rear, lining the two up I can then make sure the centre of the crankshaft is in the middle then mark up the mounts:
Hard to see in the light but - its central, not much clearance between the oil filter and steering column, guess that's why I bought the shortened filter then....
I've drilled and fitted one mount and left the other. I finish today feeling frustrated, nothing seems to be going right. The clutch kit I originally bought is too big (228mm) and the one I have now is the right size (220mm) BUT the spline count is 17 and it needs to be 23. Need to find a new clutch plate, hopefully on ebay.
I've also shorted out my battery charger so tidied up and shut the garage door for today. Shortened sump and alternator on order....