Monday, 26 May 2014

Brake Pipe Routing Complete

Completed the brake pipes (almost - need some shielding on some of the bends where they touch the chassis,Ill do that at some point).  Nice and neat:

The rivets on the tunnel were an absolute nightmare to drill.  The angle means the drill slips all over, I tried everything.  Even ground down an old nail punch to make a metal punch, no difference but I dot there in the end and looks fine: 

I am not too sure on the back end, the brake pipe seems to hang down a bit (its pre cut to length) but I dont have the diff yet to fit.  I should be OK with the handbrake mechanism and cable, but I am not 100% sure that its in the right place and if the diff will fit in fine - I'll find that out later but I am expecting I may have to move it slightly:

On to the pedals...

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