First I made a template out of cardboard and then transferred onto the aluminium, the template doesnt look like much but what you can't see is it folds over to give me something to attach to the next panel with. Cutting was easy as my father in law lent me some huge scissors which cut through with ease without too much distortion:
Photos are a little blurry I am afraid, not sure why. You can see my new Clecos on the right, not really needed on such a small panel but any excuse to try a new toy! They will definitely come in handy when I do some of the larger panels. I also stuck the panel down with sikaflex to seal it up, I think its probably overkill but the end result is much better:
Finally I mounted the high pressure fuel pump with two 60mm exhaust brackets, that seems to be the norm. I was going to put a small piece of rubber between the pump and brackets but that doesn't seem necessary.
You'll notice that I have riveted the swirl pot panel on, but rivnutted the actual swirl pot into the new bracket so it can be removed if needed later on. Much neater I am sure you will agree and lots of progress made today.
Finally here is a diagram of how I think the fuel system is cabled, most of this comes from research on other peoples blogs and research - its starting to make more sense to me now, I still need to research more on how the swirl pot works but I think I have the cabling correct:
Next I am going to do the rear passenger crescent and side panels. I have one more tube of sikaflex, should be enough but will likely need to order another tube afterwards.
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