Saturday, 16 January 2016

Replacement Wheel Studs

After putting the disks on I remembered that there is a possibility I will need to change the wheel studs, after measuring it turns out there isn't enough length.   I've ordered a set of 16 new studs, 47mm, but annoyingly it means I need to take everything off as I am not prepared to start smacking them with a hammer whilst on the car; I don't think the bearings will like that.

I've removed 12 studs already, I tried with a bearing puller tool from ebay but that was all but useless - I had to remove the marked red bit so I could get the correct angle:

After failing miserably I bit the bullet.  The rears were easy to get off as I hadn't yet tightened the hub nut (will do that last thing), the hubs came straight off.  The front is more difficult, I ended up removing the whole dummy strut, I need to get a bearing puller because the top ball joint is still connected.   After a couple of days of penetration fluid the rear studs came out quite easily, swift blow with the hammer.

The front was slightly harder so a change of tactic needed:

22mm socket behind the hub, tightened the vice and each one popped out with relative ease.  Apart from one, which took me three hours to remove.  I won in the end:

 After cutting the stud out and griding as close as I could to the hub, it finally gave up!  One more to do tomorrow and then I can wind the new ones in.  I suspect they too are going to be difficult, I will have to be careful as I really don't want to damage the threads.  I'll do some research but planning on both freezing the studs and heating up the hub with a blow torch before winding them in with nut + washers.  We shall see, Ill check rhocar forum.

1 comment:

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