Saturday, 12 August 2017

Engine Fitted

Time is marching on and progress is slow on the Car.  Its been a tough few months, I've started my own business which is fun but at the same time stressful and funds are still tight.  The car has had to take a back seat.  I'm still itching to make progress but its difficult to find the time and frankly motivation with everything else going on, but, I do have an update.

The engine has been fitted, I purchased a lowered sump and fitted it and I also re-made the gearbox mount - I wasn't happy enough with the previous one.

Old sump removed, don't forget to remove the bold holding the pickup on.  Also I missed a bolt right next to the flywheel, frustratingly I spent ages trying to split the oil pan from the aluminum.  I thought it was just suction but alas a pesky bolt was still on.

Old sump removed and ready for the scrap man.  Seems a shame to throw it out but its no use to me and goes for pennies on eBay.

New sump ready to be fitted, I used some gasket seal - based on the research I have done, it should be absolutely fine for the job.

Sump fitted:

The starter motor is missing from the pic but it's also now fitted.

And engine in:

I need to buy a modified inlet manifold from GBS as the stock on doesn't fit, plus a plenum.  That's it for now.  Garage cleanup due.

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