Sunday, 15 May 2016

Nose Cone and Bonnet Day Two

I say day two...this has taken me around a week to do, well worth it.  For the bonnet I definitely took my time, my focus was on achieving a factory finish (as much as possible) and I am really pleased with the results.  The only thing I need to do is get some thinner foam strip to run along the edge of the bonnet where it sits on the scuttle and nose cone.  The stuff I have is 6mm thick and it needs to be at least half that, otherwise the bonnet doesn't sit right.

You can see from the pics that its 99% there but there are a couple of areas around the nose that I want to pull a little tighter and hopefully a thin strip of foam will do just that.

Ratchet straps used to get the bonnet into position, a god send:

Used my rule to make sure I didn't have a lip anywhere, looking good:

Next was working out where to put the bonnet locator pins.  I know on the left hand side the manifold comes out, once the engine is in I can put another locator pin in but for now I have gone with four.  Easiest way to do this was to mark up where I want the pin on the bonnet and chassis when bonnet is in place, then drill a small pilot hole central.  Then, fit the bonnet again and mark through the pilot hole and open each side up - finally finishing with a file and testing with spare locator pin for flush fit.

The nose cone was only held in place with clips whilst I made sure the bonnet fit was correct with the scuttle, then tapped the nose into place at the other end and securely fixed nose after applying IVA trim:

I decided to screw on the headlights so I could put the spade ends and terminals on ready to run the wring loom, but after looking in detail I really need to do the front wiring loom after I have a few more bits in e.g E-N-G-I-N-E (I am looking forward to that part!).

Here she is:

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