Sunday, 17 April 2016

Nose Cone and Bonet - Day One

Not too tricky this one, although again lots of careful measuring and double checking.   First up was the nose cone, I had read some blogs where people were complaining that the nose cone doesn't fit properly.  From what I see GBS changed the design around 2012, it seemed like a few people may have been given old stock with their kits in 2013 so I wasn't sure if my (2014) kit would have the new design; I was 90% sure it would(it did).  I had to cut a small piece out of the side to "stretch" the nose over the pre-fabricated  tab to attach to:

I wasn't sure if the tab needed to go in front or behind the GRP, other blogs suggest behind and after trial fitting the bonnet and posting on the forum - I decided to cut a notch out so I could get the tab behind the GRP.

I only purchased two bonnet latches, not sure why I did that.....but I need two more!  For now though I made a template to attach to the bonnet and chassis whilst strapped on:

And after attaching my bonnet locator pins here is the result:

I am going to try something different with the rear, I may even adjust these slightly (not entirely sure how I am going to do that though - I may have to leave a hole on the bonnet but that will be hidden on under the latch.  Whilst the latch is tight, its made of rubber and could be tighter.  That may help the bonnet shape at the front.  Anyway, the rear is only attached via ratchet strap and the nose is only clamped in place:

Pleased although it isn't 100% perfect - not sure if that's even possible, but I will give it a good go once I get my remaining bonnet straps.

Another busy day - off out for some tea and a rest!  Holiday next week :D

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