Saturday, 9 April 2016

Final Rear Panel Trimming and Scuttle Day 1

Finished the inside trim around the rear panel and also both arches:

Making some real progress, I've tidied up the wiring loom along the tunnel and plugged in the handbrake sensor, I've left the speedo sensor bracket for now - I don't have the sensor yet so will do that later.

I started on the scuttle - this took much longer than expected because I had to remove the pedal box first as I decided I wanted to make the scuttle and battery tray removable.  I can see the benefits of doing this, even though its unlikely I will ever remove it in the future; now is the time to do and it may save me some work later down the line.  The downside is I have to do lots of riv nutting and the tool I have is hard work!  I took my time and took lots of measurements:

It doesn't look like a whole lot yet, but I've riv nutted everything bar the front edge and it all fits nicely with these low profile M6 bolts:

First thing this morning I cleaned up my steering column - I was win two minds again if this needed doing, but as I am going for a new registration I need to make sure everything is new\as new (technically I am only allowed three things which are second hand):

The finished product tomorrow should be dry enough to fit:

That's me done for today, time for a well earned beer!

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