After around an hour (yes, that's right, an hour) I managed to fit the reverse light. Next was the fog light and that turned out to be an absolute nightmare. I purchased the ready modified version from GBS, however, the hole for the wire is on the right hand side, yet the wire comes out of the panel on the left:
I am not sure if this is expected but it seems stupid to me. Maybe they are both like that so they are interchangeable (I guess cheaper to produce) but it would make more sense for GBS to put the hole for the wire on the right, for the fog light; they are pre drilled. Not a big problem, but a pain because the wires are ran to length and already terminated.
Queue the soldering iron, shrink wrap and some patience:
The plate light was easy to do as its at the top of the fuel tank, again though, the design seems a little odd to me. There simply isn't enough room for the spades and wires to connect and the fitment to attach. I managed to get it on, but I'm not 100% happy and will likely revisit it and re-terminate the wires with better\different connectors.
I've fitted my fuel cap:
And also started on the boot infil panels and fitted the fuel level sender - the right hand panel does not fit correctly, its no where near. The left however does and the tank is central, which makes me think the panel is not right but I'll work with it.
One final annoying thing - the easy fit loom I purchased has all the spades and connectors attached, which is great. Apart from a couple - the rear light clusters. They have to fit through a hole each side in the rear panel, that's not possible. I had to grind down an old nail to unclip each, pass through and put a grommet in, then re-attach:
No biggie but when you are tired at the end of the day, it's a PITA! Tomorrow I will spend some more time on the rear infils and do some final fettling so I am 100% happy before moving on.
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